Friday, 14 August 2009

Hexagon Quilts

I've just taken a wonderful trip down memory lane as I read Posy Gets Cosy's last post about hexagon quilting. If you are, like me, somewhat older than a "spring chicken", do take a look. If you crafted as a child, the chances are you had a go at this.
We always had one of these types of quilts on the go during the summer holidays. As it was hand sewn in small pieces it was the perfect activity to do whilst sitting on the lawn in the sun. We cut the hexagons from old magazines and used all the dressmaking scraps to make the quilt. I remember there was a half finished one in my Mum's wardrobe for years. I guess it must have been thrown out when she was no longer able to sew - what a shame. Seeing her post has given me some great ideas though - the sun is shining - so guess where I'll be this afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. WOW that made me think of my Granny's ones too, I wonder if she still has them. Her and my Aunt had them on their beds, just all the scraps of materials from things Granny had made. I loved looking at all the different colours! Must ask her next time I go there.
    Hope all is well with you, its not sunny here, pouring rain. Yuck. Hazelxoxox
